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Stock impact report

Career Education Stock Is Baselessly Down Due To Insider Sales [Seeking Alpha]

CECO Environmental Corp. (CECO) 
Last ceco environmental corp. earnings: 11/6 04:14 pm Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Seeking Alpha
Career Education Stock Is Baselessly Down Due To Insider Sales Summary Despite a strong second quarter, Career Education's stock dropped by a third. The drop happened at the same time as numerous insider stock sales. There was little other material news. On closer look, most of the shares sold were given to the insiders in August. Insiders actually have a high level of stock ownership and kept most of the shares. Meanwhile CECO just knocked out another strong quarter and raised 2019 guidance for the third time this year. My most successful strategy has been turnarounds. Career Education Corporation ( In fact the stock recently got knocked back needlessly by insider sales. Insider activity can significantly move a stock in both directions. CECO's stock was cut by a third from a peak reached after second-quarter earnings in early August. But often investors don't look closely enough at the details. Reality couldn't be more different. Operating results are accelerating, and the stock sol Show less Read more
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