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Equillium to be included in the Russell Microcap® Index [Yahoo! Finance]

Equillium, Inc. (EQ) 
Last equillium, inc. earnings: 3/26 04:07 pm Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
therapeutics to treat severe autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, today announced that it expects to join the Russell Microcap Index at the conclusion of the 2024 Russell annual reconstitution, effective at the open of equity markets on Monday, July 1, according to a preliminary list of additions posted Friday, May 24. The annual Russell reconstitution captures the 4,000 largest US stocks as of Tuesday, April 30, ranking them by total market capitalization. Membership in the Russell Microcap Index, which remains in place for one year, means automatic inclusion in the appropriate growth and value style indexes. FTSE Russell determines membership for its Russell indexes primarily by objective, market-capitalization rankings and style attributes. "We're happy to be joining the Russell Microcap Index, paving the way for potential inclusion in a large number of funds that aim to mimic and benchmark the Russell indices," said Bruce Steel, chief executive officer at Equillium. "This in Show less Read more
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