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How Murphy USA Stock Is Benefiting From Higher Merchandise Sales And Its New Loyalty Program [Forbes]

Murphy USA Inc. (MUSA) 
Last murphy usa inc. earnings: 4/17 07:00 am Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Forbes
How Murphy USA Stock Is Benefiting From Higher Merchandise Sales And Its New Loyalty Program Murphy USA (NYSE: MUSA) We ‘step back’ from these recent swings to review Murphy USA’s performance over the last few years, as a context for what might come next. Our Interactive dashboard, Why Has Murphy USA Stock Rallied Over The Last Month? The context for the last few years: A closer look At Murphy USA’s Total Revenues over the last few years and the outlook Operating Revenues for Murphy USA increased from $12,827 Mil in 2017 to $14,363 Mil in 2018; a 12% increase. This compares with Operating Revenues growth of: • -8.7% in 2016 • 10.6% in 2017 We expect Operating Revenues growth to be 0.4% in 2019. A closer look At Murphy USA’s Total Expenses over the last few years and the outlook This compares with Total Expense growth of: • -9.9% in 2016 • 12% in 2017 We expect Total Expense to grow by 1% in 2019. How does Murphy USA’s Revenue Growth compare with rivals? For more information on how Mur Show less Read more
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